o happy to be making a post. The weather is fadinjon.

The letter ladle, S is as personal friend of mine. I mean, a really good friend. An s, however, tastes sweet and smooth. I enjoy it slithering down my throat. It is almost a liquid food. It gives me a tingle from the top of my head, to the bottom of my toes. I much enjoy just sitting down and eating a whole carton. Now, I really must be going, S is asking for me.

S's playground*, The sssssssslides are amazing. The ssssssseesaws, supreme. Yes, IIIIII love this playground. It's just like a dream. Ba Bum Bum Bum Bum. Oh, I love to ssswing around and, IIIII love to climb. I could play all day on this mystery ride and, feeeeel no shame. I love this playground. With all of my heart. Iiiiit always gives me a start. Come on, L and join me, in this wonderful ride.

A note of worship*, We love you oh S. You are the song in our hearts. Oh god of flowery language, and the limelight of theaters parts. We want to give you, your new greatest fan. They even dress like you. And will be sure to give you a hand. PREEEESEEENTIIIIING, ~. We are sure that you will get along swell. Now that your new greatest worshipper is here. Now, it's showtime we fear.

S's report card, S does superbly! They push on bravely even when C steals their sound. They are unique from other letters even when they themselves fail to differentiate. Okay, I may have exaggerated with superb. That does not take away from their otherwise excellent performance. Their is only one grade for this star, a BeeeeeEEEEEE. Duh! Duh Duh Duh DUH!**

*To be read in song.

**sing everything as soon as the grade is given.

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