ove making these. The weather is forstifus.

The letter ladle, how do I describe myself as a flavor? That sounds weird. I am L. I am talting an L today. Got it? An L is Lucious and sweet. It is smooth in texture and in taste. I may be somewhat biased but an L is the best thing i've ever tasted. It is liquid, rich, and ultimately filling. I could go on and on about the taste that so keenly helps the other letters even if it is hard to savor. Yes, I am kind, and generous (but not humble). And... I'm supposed to be talking about the taste amn't I.

L's playground. I would like to taste something entirely new for my post. I will taste a number! The 1 stands out immediately. It seems incredibly hard. At first, I can't bite into it. After I manage to do that though, the number does not get any better. A 1 seems so individual and bland. A number is so metallic compared to the nice and smooth taste of a letter. A 1 is bland other than the metallic tang and hard taste. I do not recommend it (except for health reasons, numbers are pretty healthy.)

A note of worship, I worship  the god of food and health, I worship the god of love. I praise to you L, I praise to you L, for all you do. In words everywhere. I play your song and read your books, I praise to you L. N matter whether it is light or dark, I praise to you. I will now perform a sacrifice, I will cut a roast chicken in half. HIIIIIIYAAAAAA! ROAST | CHICKEN.

L's report card, L is doing pretty well. They have a unique sound and good form, although their lowercase is similar to uppercase I, they have ways to be differentiated. They have no shady business going on which make me appreciate it more, even if it doesn't give them any official grade. I will give L an A!

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