abulous time to write. The weather is columphus

F's report card. Fantastic report! F is unique in shape but when p and h get together their sound can be mimicked. It falls in on the bad word crowd but I can't deduct grade for that. It only does one sound and needs other letters to really find footing but f can be more than one. It is my pleasure to give F a B.

The letter ladle. Sweet and soft, that is the f. Light and airy, that is the F. Spongey and smooth, that is the f.   No more words are required.

A note of worship, F     the people who doubt you the F    ing bastards. They are now match for your superior everything! You will take them by force and shove their heads to the grounds. We sacrificed twenty people this week,  l= I= |= 1= != l= I= |= 1= != l= I= |= 1= != l= I= |= 1= !=. They looked familiar but we still took... WHAT ARE YOU DOING! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. *sigh, why are my worshippers always so stupid*

F's playground F        F       F       ! F is definitely playing jumprope with their siblings and an exclamation point. Flying fireman fire fire for frozen fish. FffffffffffffffffffffF. "Just follow the line children." Faux foxes publish fakes in fax. Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! What's all those flashes. It was just me saying the word flash. Oh. Phony phone phones phantom phlegm. Pharaohs photosyntheses phases. These are f-words right?

Sorry for all the bad lanquage! I dd non meen to spel things rong.

Fantastic day! -F


  1. It was such a columphus day today, especially for our fine feathered friends. Fly, falcons, fly!
