elightful day! The weather is backomp.

D's playground, Disastrous dilemma, diluted damp, dangling deer, all happening on D-day*. D-lightful evening someone says. "DELIGHTFUL!" Delia demands. "Drooping doors are delightful?!" "No, no," the person says with a dangerous shiver. "I mean there's a lot of D's so it is D-lightful." "Damn it all," is another persons comment. The dangerous dogwood begins door to door. Disaster dips down infinitely.

*Things that begin with D day

A note of worship. We lay down our door to your domain. We give you our every claim. We spin round to hide our shame. For this is your land in your rein. D! We sing about you. D! We go and shout to you. D! With you we don't need to be free. |)! l)! I)! D! WE CHANT YOUR NAME IN EVERY WAY WE KNOW! D! DuM dUm DuM dUm DuM dUm DuM.

D's report card, D definitely does not get a D. They are individual between lowercase and uppercase even if  they mirror b in lowercase. Their are many rumors, you know. Their sound is unrepeatable. They are distinct in almost every way and form. I go straight to the conclusion D is destined for an A!

The letter ladle, D is delicious. It's flavor changes in your mouth. One second you are sucking on something salty, the next something sweet. Spicy, sour, bitter, even umami! It has a texture kind of like bread. It's solid but the bite comes of so cleanly and like it has very suddenly broken apart. The flavor begins rolling across my tongue. I have no advice again eating d after d after d. D is just delightful.


  1. I have an urge to play some D&D: Doughnuts & Doom (or possibly Ducks & Danger (or maybe Dolls & Doubloons (or conceivably Desserts & Demons))).
