oodness! I almost didn't do G! The weather is flourostino.

G's report card, G may copy J's sound but they do have one of their own. Perfectly unique in some fonts,  the lowercase is similar to q in others. G seems like an okay student to me. I give them a C.

A note of worship, WOOOHOOO! Another day for worshipping the greatest god on the planet! Come at me G. Give me your ray of god will. You start gods! We will now read the scroll of sunshine! GOOD/GODWILL All worshippers are required to say at least three words of kindness a day, all worshippers must plant trees every so often, all worshippers must pay some fruit to the alter if any bad words are said. Well I think that makes our point dam'n clear. *Gasp!* I said a bad word! The worst word their is! I will pay every grape I have for a month to repent for my mistake.

The letter ladle, slightly on the sour side but it sends a kick of energy my way every time. When paired with an n it normally sets off a salty taste. Whether before it or after the n. I spit out the pit, I savor the meaty texture (but not meat). I gulp it down and wash down the sour taste. G's are just great.

G's playground, We interrupt this blog post for a very important ad. G-whiz! The newest uh, what is it again? Well this new drink will get you whizzing! Watch your new toy whiz around yes it's G-WHIZ! The newest and greatest television brand. Yes it's G-WHIZ! Nothing can stand up to its great computing power. G-WHIZ! Wait, it's a kind of washing machine? Okay. It's G-WHIZ! Whizzing up your clothes with it's own special soap to get the perfect product. ;) (What do you mean it doesn't have a special soap! Or anything else special. Then why are we even selling it by golly!)


 abulous time to write. The weather is columphus

F's report card. Fantastic report! F is unique in shape but when p and h get together their sound can be mimicked. It falls in on the bad word crowd but I can't deduct grade for that. It only does one sound and needs other letters to really find footing but f can be more than one. It is my pleasure to give F a B.

The letter ladle. Sweet and soft, that is the f. Light and airy, that is the F. Spongey and smooth, that is the f.   No more words are required.

A note of worship, F     the people who doubt you the F    ing bastards. They are now match for your superior everything! You will take them by force and shove their heads to the grounds. We sacrificed twenty people this week,  l= I= |= 1= != l= I= |= 1= != l= I= |= 1= != l= I= |= 1= !=. They looked familiar but we still took... WHAT ARE YOU DOING! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. *sigh, why are my worshippers always so stupid*

F's playground F        F       F       ! F is definitely playing jumprope with their siblings and an exclamation point. Flying fireman fire fire for frozen fish. FffffffffffffffffffffF. "Just follow the line children." Faux foxes publish fakes in fax. Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! What's all those flashes. It was just me saying the word flash. Oh. Phony phone phones phantom phlegm. Pharaohs photosyntheses phases. These are f-words right?

Sorry for all the bad lanquage! I dd non meen to spel things rong.

Fantastic day! -F


xcellent evening. The weather is koklor.

E's report card, They may be a vowel used in al larger chunk of the words in the english language yet they let y copy their sound, and that is not a good thing. They do have some original sounds though and I do encourage that. A wide range of sounds is good. Sometimes I see them sneaking down into words. Changing their sound and meaning without adding any of their own. This is very interesting behavior and although and can not deduct their grade from it I must say I frown down at this behavior. E is visually unique all the way through. I am unhappy to say that I can not give E full marks. I am forced to say that that E must get a B.

A note of worship, EEEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! We hold up your mirror image to communicate from the opposite side. 3 we would like you to give us your blessing. We are lost and alone in this world and we need your screaming guidance. We need you to cut through the darkness for us for we are without light of our own. Help us, oh maker of many words. Help us in our hour of deepest need.

E's playground, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. "The e-train is passing through." "E, needs to help me don't you see!" ------Ee? E's riding on a sled. EeEeEeEeEeE. "Phew, what a day for o to take a break. ...{EEEOOOO}.  "I am running out of e-jokes." "You mean online jokes? Just download some"

The letter ladle, "Eh, it's kind of bitter," is my first thoughts of e's. But I had just happened to pick a bad one. I had at first wondered what everyone liked about them but my next told me everything. It tasted salty yet smooth. The texture was like a cold drink, washing down my throat. It was a crisp flavor and it made me scream with joy. I then understood why the world so enjoyed using this delicious letter. Sometimes when cooking words, you can't taste the E you put in but you can tell it altered the word entirely word that is usually bit, I had in a bite! E can get a bit annoying after ten in a row but it's just so good to taste. I know it's already used a lot but it should be used even more.


 elightful day! The weather is backomp.

D's playground, Disastrous dilemma, diluted damp, dangling deer, all happening on D-day*. D-lightful evening someone says. "DELIGHTFUL!" Delia demands. "Drooping doors are delightful?!" "No, no," the person says with a dangerous shiver. "I mean there's a lot of D's so it is D-lightful." "Damn it all," is another persons comment. The dangerous dogwood begins door to door. Disaster dips down infinitely.

*Things that begin with D day

A note of worship. We lay down our door to your domain. We give you our every claim. We spin round to hide our shame. For this is your land in your rein. D! We sing about you. D! We go and shout to you. D! With you we don't need to be free. |)! l)! I)! D! WE CHANT YOUR NAME IN EVERY WAY WE KNOW! D! DuM dUm DuM dUm DuM dUm DuM.

D's report card, D definitely does not get a D. They are individual between lowercase and uppercase even if  they mirror b in lowercase. Their are many rumors, you know. Their sound is unrepeatable. They are distinct in almost every way and form. I go straight to the conclusion D is destined for an A!

The letter ladle, D is delicious. It's flavor changes in your mouth. One second you are sucking on something salty, the next something sweet. Spicy, sour, bitter, even umami! It has a texture kind of like bread. It's solid but the bite comes of so cleanly and like it has very suddenly broken apart. The flavor begins rolling across my tongue. I have no advice again eating d after d after d. D is just delightful.

The Lord Of The Sports

 Today, while we were hunting geocaches, my brother turned into Nolam. It started when he picked up a ball with kings shown on it from a lake. The kings made it obvious that this was the ball to rule them all. My brother immediately seemed possessive and refused to leave it somewhere where the owner might pick it up. It became apparent that this was some kind of parody of the Lord of the Rings.

I have no doubt* that the ball will drive Nolam crazy and have them become a legend at soccer. Only the one who beats their team could earn the ball but for a long time no one ever would. They would live apart from their family and grow hungry for fame and power. But one day, someone, perhaps nicknamed Sylvo Scabbins, will beat Nolam and get the ball which they will then use to beat the dragon league.

One day, Sylvo will unhappily leave the ball to their child, nicknamed Fibber Scabbins. The lord Sportdor corporation will want the ball to rule them all so Flaboff the coach** will send Fibber to the final battle in which the fiery eyes will completely obliterate it... oh, Norman returned home without the ball, guess i'll just have to scrap this whole post.

*Okay, some doubt.

** Their methods work like magic.


 reated another blog post for you! 

The weather is criffufle.

The letter ladle, The c is without a doubt crisp and slightly crunchy. It creates a loud snap as a bite into it. A salty letter, with just the barest hint of spiciness. This is not a food to gorge one after another, it is something to savor before eating another one if you must it two. It might be an overload of salt to do so though. The c is certainly not a crumbly food. The bite is clean and clear. The perfect food for a crisp day, or simply for a little snack.

A note of worship, C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C. We chant your name in reverence as your humble servants, we shall be at your command with a snap of your fingers. To we now dance the sacred ritual to your honor:












If this dance displeased you, smite us in your honor.

C's report card, C is very quick at their work. That does not always work in their favor. They usually emit a sound that matches K's exactly. They and K are often seen in the same word although the words sound is not usually altered. C has also copied sounds off S, which also puts black marks on their overall grade. Their uppercase and lowercase are exactly the same, except for the size of course. They seem to have absolutely no reason to want to be in the language at all. I don't like to do this but I am forced to give C an F.

C's playground. Hey look, mister 24 carrot is walking by! "I sail out to the seven c's!" "isn't their only one C in the alphabet?" Calm carrots cannot corrode cobras coping cancer. CcCcCcC. "Look at all those waves in the seven c's!" "Oh, so that's what the seven c's are." CCCCCCCCCC "Do you hear a snake?" "Sounds more like a bunch of c's to me." SSSSSSSS "Okay, that is definitely a snake." C you later!


 ecause I am nice, I will make another letter post.

The weather is maravace.

A note of worship, Your boastfulness, we have set up 3 shrines to your honor, 13 l3 i3 I3 |3, but we are afraid none of them capture your true excellence. You are seen as a B-list god but we know you should rise to the top of the godly chain! We have prepared to honor you in you sacred playground

B's playground, b-yutiful b-s b-set upon b-vers. "A b-ting!" B-ming b-vers roar. The b-vers b-t b-s. The B-vers are then b-fuddled by the b-s b-yuty. B-cause B bemanbs it the D's turn to b's. A b-ker of b-s is poured upon B-ker. B-ts b-lay up a mountain. B-fore we finish we apologize for all the missing letters.

B's report card, b is a wonderful individual in uppercase although in lower case they keep mirroring d (rumors say they share a bed). They have a unique sound of which no other letter can duplicate. They can be mistaken for a few words such as be and bee. Although it gets a little energetic with two b's I will avoid using b as a grade because this letter deserves an A.

The letter ladle. I savor the warm, smooth, creamy, sweet, flavor of a nice, fresh, B. It fills my every tastebud with it's rich flavor. It moves in my mouth like soft waves. If it were had with other letters this warm and heavy food would quickly pick up and and lightly carry. It is one of those foods that you only taste once you bite into it however, if you suck then the flavor might take its time getting to you. When I put two b's together the flavor gains a bounce to it. Like two different flavors of chocolate in your mouth at the same time. B is just a beautiful letter.


 nice day to do my first A-Z blog post. The weather is frizet.

A note of worship: WE ARE NOW SACRIFICING THIS UNWORTHY PRETENDER TO A'S THRONE. We sacrifice the one who disguised as you by turning upside down. We saw through the disguise immediately and now we cut the pretender in half:    \  /. We hope the blood of this v is sufficient for your godly needs.

A's report card: This letter fits in perfectly with the english language. It makes a clear sound and copies no other letters in sound. It's appearance copies an upside-down V however. It looks entirely different in uppercase and lowercase format. It has even gained the accomplished position of a vowel. A lot of words depend on them to keep them together. All in all I give A, well, an A (We got rid of plusses and minuses, this isn't a math school). 

The letter ladle: As I bite into an A, I first think of an apple. The amazing juice dribbles down my chin. I the savor sweet and mellow flavor of the vowel. A is the first fruit to fall off the tree and as I catch it I think how it feels cool in my palm. I weigh it and it feels light both in the hand and in the mouth. Someone should make A pie. It would taste delicious.

A's playground: A is the beginning of anagrams and a ram nags. A also always appreciates alliteration. I like A pie, A man the superhero, and A tower. A   -o           a. A always plays with their children. Just rolling the ball along until they're ready. A is definitely A fun guy.

An A-Z challenge!

Weather: Slormph

Today I have decided to start my own A-Z  fun! The one I have linked to happened a long time ago but you should still check it out. But, one big difference from those old posts, and my new ones. Those cowards decided to do a blog starting with the letter of the day rather than just talking about the letter. This is a hideous offense to the letters and I decided to take a stand for it. I will be worshipping, commenting, critiquing the taste of, and playing with, every letter of the alphabet, starting today.

In other news I will also start saying a made up word for the current weather at the beginning of the post.

This Freaking L Dialed The Ronnies

 Today, I accidentally left for school when there was no school. The school was closed due to the weather. My dad had not received the message and he sent me to school without knowing this. I had to grapple over what boots to use since I didn't want to get my sneakers wet. I thought that one pair of boots were mine but they were way too small. I eventually found the right pair of boots and started walking but in the middle of my walk, mom drove up and picked me up. We saw the message. It had a some stuff about how today would be a snow day but at the end... This freaking L dialed the Ronnies. In the recording, it was not spanish. It was just, This freaking L dialed the Ronnies. Any ideas as to why people? This has been... my first post with words. WOOOOOOOO!