I went missing!

 YES! I mysteriously went missing for two weeks from my current abode. With nothing but my vague statements, two letters received after I got back, and this blog post to show what went on. I was put in a shabby one room living quarters with with mysterious writing all over the walls and beds. I could not leave this room without supervision or the rest of the people stuck in a similar situation. I got three meals a day with almost no choice of what to eat. Worst of all, their was no regular dessert. There was little screens as well. Yes, from this information, there is only one possible conclusion, I was at sleep-away camp. I had a lot of fun. Their were activities, arts and crafts, storytelling, D&D, and other fun camp activities. I swam, and I ran. I even invented new versions of a game called mafia, including stuffia. I made friends*. I look forward to next year.

*and actually no enemies.

How to grow a language

 The weather is gustimple.

It has been a while since I posted, but last time I spoke of growing letters. S is the primary grower of food for L's the Letter Ladle. They grow fresh letters, ripe for consumption. Now, letter growing works a little different than it does in The Phantom Tollbooth (by Norton Juster)*. Whereas he has letters growing from trees, letters really grow from time and the rich soil of human minds. Many people, words, and even sentient letters, grow letters. S is but one of these farmers, working primarily for the Letter Ladle. In the last post, 1** placed a fake one*** in the battle field for X to defeat. They then ran through the fields in order to get to the main S house. This shows the extreme quality of the letters S makes. Enough to fool an extreme battler into thinking that an L is a one. For the letter growing process, you plant a period or some sort of random symbol in the mind. You then water the symbol with a need for communication and fertilize it with imagination. After that, you make sure it is exposed to the light of time. After some exposure to the time, the symbol will grow into a mighty letter. And that, is how to grow your very own language! Have fun!

* which is a book that you should read if you haven't already.

**Phew, I escaped X!

***A lowercase L.


 Today we are doing something special! Numbers will be battling instead of letters. A monument for the versus games! 1.X. |* The periods have been dropped... Wait, isn't 3** supposed to be here? Three may have taken a fall. I heard them say something about an unlucky battle or something. I'm filling in. Ah. Okay, let's begin! ...1...X... | One and X simultaneously use an ellipses swipe! ...1...X... | Oh, you don't like it? How about, The battlers stand among a field of many periods, many battles, many wins, many losses. They stand today to take on a new kind of battle, one that will change the course of battle history! ...1...X... | Oh, you didn't like that? Then how about, If these battlers don't do something soon, then the ninja will strikethrough them both. Like that! !-_=-_===_--_ X-=____=-=--___--= | A high speed chase ensues! One dons their exclamation point form, the exclamation point! X-___===_-=_=-_=-__=----= llll1llll | X rushes right past one as one takes cover in a field of L's. (More about growing letters next post) X------ l) One destroys the barrier! X---------------------One is down but the chaos continues as the announcer is strikethroughed. X is the winner! (Thank goodness we kept that official winners template safe.)

*As ever, the announcers are shielded to the action.

**I'm late! This is the announcers stand! I guess I'll just wait and watch the action from here. It's a shame I have to waste these good asterisk bombs.

My mom is forcing me...

 ...to post this. The weather is drearydrong.

As I said, my mom practically forced me to post this, they said, and I quote, "You haven't posted in a week! You should post something." SEE THAT! If that isn't child abuse, I don't know what is.* Whoah, that was a strange bunch of footnotes. But we ended it! Now back to the matter at hand. Is this unfair?*** And can we stop it?**** Well I don't want to, I'm having fun.*****

* Okay, I do  know what but that's not important to the current matter at hand, or keyboard, as it may be. Hmmmm. This is nice. I wonder why the footnote hasn't ended yet? Doo dee dooooo. Maybe something is wrong with footnote central command. ....................................................... I should say something so that your time isn't wasted by periods. I believe we can stop this if we include another**

** footnote. Okay, it worked, even if the last word got stuck in this footnote. Here, is central command!***

*** The place where all the footnotes pass through.

**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************@****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Aha! It seems someone has thrown an @ into the asterisks. We can dislodge it by connecting it to something else. @Solomonsperfectworld.blogspot.com. That works. Now let's see if we can end it.

**** Yes.

***** Yes we can.

****** So there.


V.S. |* V and S prepare and drop down their periods, showing that they are ready to begin. V)----------S | S shoots V, but V puts of a parentheses shield. V is practicing for their next battle with A. \/\/\/V\/\/\/\/\/****{}*****S& | V uses an improved camoflauge and throws bombs while S shoots their own bombs from an ampersand bomb shooter. V






                                                 *{S}* | V drops their signature move, V-Bomb, onto S! V])} S... | V pulls a combo parentheses move that both blocks you and shoots an explosive blast at the opponent but S pulls a ellipses which slows down time so it takes longer for the opponent to get to you. V]) } | S S got into the barrier! They are disqualified from the match! It is a rousing victory for V! V's increased confidence may lead them to eventually defeat A!

*Barriers are used to protect the announcers.

